Building a connected attendee journey through event technology.


TSS Barcelona



Since 2020, Nteractive has partnered with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to deliver Technology & Solutions Summit (TSS) as a virtual event. After two seasons of successfully delivering the event online, 2023 was Nteractive’s first opportunity to adapt TSS 
to an in-person brand experience in Barcelona.

What We Did



Recreate TSS with a fresh look and feel, focused on social engagement while bridging both virtual and in-person elements in an engaging way. To do this, event technology needed to be an integrated part of the attendee journey and play a key role in the overall brand experience.  



Nteractive partnered with RainFocus to deliver integrated event modules across registration, content management and a new exhibitor resource center. Enabling attendees to connect with the in-person event experience through building a personalized agenda, tracking their own session attendance and sync this across platforms.



Over four event days, we organized 300 sessions, tracking
attendee participation and certification credits.



Sponsors utilized the resource portal to help 
coordinate their onsite presence, content, 
and participation in the HPE TSS Hub experience

Attendees utilized the RainFocus platform, allowing them to book hotels and register
in one single transaction. 


Sessions over 4 days

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